KisImpact/ KisStartup/ Femtech/ Femtech Workshop Series/ Gender lens Investing/ LisaFalco/ Maria Gaitanidou / Mayra Hurtado

What's at the Workshop What is technology serving women & Why

What's at the Workshop What is technology serving women & Why?


Last Tuesday afternoon, February 27, 2024, KisImpact & KisStartup organized the first Workshop in the Femtech & Gender lens Investment Series with the question: What is Femtech and why?. The event featured 3 guest speakers who are experts in the fields of health, women's data and technology startups serving women.

At the beginning of the workshop, Mrs. Lisa Falco presented the five stages of women's health. She outlined how throughout these stages, women encounter specific challenges like menstruation, pregnancy, breast cancer, and menopause. This presents significant opportunities for Vietnamese Femtech businesses to offer technological solutions to these challenges, responding to the increasing health concerns and rising incomes of women.

CParticipating organizations and individuals also met with the CEO & Co-founder of two famous Femtech businesses in the world, Hormony (Singapore) and Hati Health (Philippines). This is one of the typical and innovative Femtech business and service models that Vietnamese businesses/startups can refer to.

In addition, Ms. Mayra Hurtado, co-founder of Hormony, highlighted the vast growth potential for Vietnam's Femtech sector despite the limited presence of Vietnamese companies on the global Femtech map. Most of these businesses focus on producing menstrual products, and there are still many gaps in the medical field that Femtech can solve.

We would like to sincerely thank the participation of 3 speakers: Lisa Falco, Mayra Hurtado and Maria Gaitanidou as well as all the organizations and individuals who participated in the Workshop: What is Femtech & Why? took the time to participate and support the program.


The Femtech & Gender lens investment series is a project organized with 04 Workshops with the goal of educating the market and connecting stakeholders in the field.

  1. What is Femtech & Why?
  2. Chat with Femtech founders No.1
  3. Chat with Femtech founders No.2
  4. Get ready to raise gender lens fund

Register to participate in the program at: 

For more information, please contact:
Phone number: (+84) 394.665.916 (Ms. Linh)